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Kids Special Activities

The kids are settling in well with preschool for Hadley and 1st Grade for Clemency. Recently both had special events at their schools.


Hadley had the Daddy and me night at which fathers could join their kids at preschool to go through some of the daily activities. We sang songs, did arts and crafts, some maths, games in the hall and finished up with ice cream which was great.


Clemency was Special person of the week last week. This involved a project putting together photos and information about herself and family.  She had to bring her favourite things and do a presentation in front of the class.  Hadley and Dad got to watch her presentation which was fun and she did a good job.

Another fun task was taking Clifford the dog with her and getting photos with him as she does her weekly activities.

Check out some of the photos by clicking on the photo above.

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